Estética Del Crimen (Crime Aesthetics)
Estética Del Crimen (Crime Aesthetics)


  • Publisher: Crack Gallery
  • Year: 2022
  • Pages: 144 p.
  • Dimensions: 14.4 x 20.4 cm.
  • Soft Cover: Coated semimatt (250gsm)
  • Paper Content: Uncoated (120gsm)
  • Binding: Perfect binding and thread sewn
  • Process: Offset Printed
  • Color: 4/4 (CMYK)
  • Edition Size: 500 Printed in Mexico.

This book is a compilation of images of Estética del crimen’s archive –a collection of photographs created and spread by the Mexican governmental institutions– as a warning of the staging and to clear up the illusion of chastisement against the rest of the unpunished crimes in the country.


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