Lord of the Flies
Lord of the Flies

In the hands of the renowned experimental theater director Peter Brook, William Golding’s legendary novel about the primitivism lurking beneath civilization becomes a film as raw and ragged as the lost boys at its center. Taking an innovative documentary-like approach, Brook shot Lord of the Flies with an off-the-cuff naturalism, seeming to record a spontaneous eruption of its characters’ ids. The result is a rattling masterpiece, as provocative as its source material.


  • Peter Brook
  • United Kingdom
  • 1963
  • 90 minutes
  • Black & White
  • 1.37:1
  • English
  • Spine #43


  • New, restored digital transfer (box set edition); new, restored 4K digital film transfer, supervised by editor and cameraman Gerald Feil, ASC (two-DVD and Blu-ray editions), with uncompressed monaural soundtrack on the Blu-ray edition
  • Audio commentary featuring director Peter Brook, producer Lewis Allen, director of photography Tom Hollyman, and Feil
  • Audio recordings of William Golding reading from his novel Lord of the Flies,accompanied by the corresponding scenes from the film
  • Deleted scene, with optional commentary and Golding reading
  • Interview with Brook from 2008 (two-DVD and Blu-ray only)
  • Collection of behind-the-scenes material, including home movies, screen tests, outtakes, and stills
  • Excerpt from a 1980 episode of The South Bank Show featuring Golding (two-DVD and Blu-ray only)
  • New interview with Feil (two-DVD and Blu-ray only)
  • Excerpt from Feil’s 1973 documentary The Empty Space, showcasing Brook’s theater methods
  • Living “Lord of the Flies,” a piece composed of never-before-seen footage shot by the boy actors during production, with new voice-over by actor Tom Gaman
  • Trailer
  • PLUS: An essay by film critic Geoffrey Macnab (two-DVD and Blu-ray only) and an excerpt from Brook’s autobiography The Shifting Point 
    New cover by Kent Williams (two-DVD and Blu-ray editions); new cover by Olga Krigman (box set edition)
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